

Dear Parishioners:

This year’s Stewardship theme is “Jesus has Called You by Name.”  After our Lord’s Resurrection, Mary of Magdalene did not recognize Jesus until He called her by name: “Mary.”  He likewise calls to each of us. Our lives are constantly changing, yet Jesus listens and speaks to us as we strive to do our best.

Parishioners have asked from time to time why we have a Stewardship drive each year. We focus on Stewardship annually so that you can take the time to discern how you are feeling called to serve in the here and now.  Circumstances change; you may be able to do more this year, or you may need to refocus your efforts due to family, health, and other obligations. 

Whatever ministries you choose to pursue, the goal of Stewardship is to assist you in your Spiritual and personal growth.  As your Pastor, I thank you for sharing your time, talent, and treasure with Holy Trinity.

Yours in Christ,
Rev. John Murphy

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